Episode three

After two hours, the class was still going on.

Why the hell was she talking so much? And what class went on for two hours plus anyway? With the way things were going, I was sure that this was the only class we were going to be having.

"That's it. We are going to discuss about chapter sixty-three in the next class." The teacher concluded, gathering up her things as she proceeded to leave the class.

Finally, the class was over. I almost sighed out in relief. And, did I just heard her say chapter sixty-three? So, all what she had been talking about was from chapter sixty-two? My head spun.

"How on earth do I find Zachary now? I'm so hungry." I grumbled to myself, hating the fact that I would have to walk out there alone. Realising I have to find my way out of this class.

"Could you please be quiet? I'm trying to sleep." A familiar voice said from beside me. It was very familiar and as I tried to figure out where I had heard it before, he lifted his head and I recognised him immediately. It was the guy that had run into me earlier.

"Oh, so you talk? I actually thought that you're deaf and don't you ever tell me to keep quiet." I snapped"ed at him. "You are so rude."

Even though I was pissed, I didn't want to create a scene and when I looked around, I saw that the class was almost vacant. Thank God.

"You are too loud, and it's giving me a headache." He sighed, the look on his face, one of pure torture, as he rubbed his forehead.

"I'm too loud?" My voice came out in a more surprised tone than I intended. "Could you possibly be any more disrespectful? I mean honestly, you bumped into me earlier and you didn't even apologise, now you are acting like we didn't meet thirty minutes ago." My voice rose higher with each word and his eyes widened, probably surprised by my outburst.Okay, maybe I might have been overreacting.

He looked at me, the corners of his mouth tipped downwards, but he didn't say a word. I felt a little bad, maybe I went too far and I shouldn't have said all that.

"Hey look don't take what I said…" I was about to apologise but I was interrupted by two girls. The amount of makeup they had on their face, could start up an entire brand, to be honest. They stood in front of me and they were both smiling for some reason.

"Hi, I'm Victoria and this is Janet." One of them spoke up, indicating to her friend, "Nice to meet you." She extended her hand to me and I accepted the nice gesture.

" I'm Ariana" I replied with a fake smile plastered on my face. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about them.

"We know you. We heard what you said about four eyes, she deserves it." The more forward one said and the both of them dissolved into fits of laughter. I didn't find it funny, so I just stared at them blankly. I felt genuinely bad about what I said about the nerdy girl earlier.

"She is so ugly and such a big nerd" Janet said as they bought continued to laugh. I couldn't help but hate how mean thou sounded. Was that how I sounded when I talked about her looks earlier? I couldn't tell them to stop because I had done the same thing, hadn't I?

"Do you want to go get lunch with us?" Victoria offered with a big smile on her face.

" I'm sorry, I can't. I will be having lunch with my boyfriend." I declined their offer. I didnt really like them. They actually looked disappointed, but I didn't care.

"Maybe next time." Victoria said has they both walked away.

So, that was why they came here. I was just so glad that they left. To be honest, Zachary and I didnt have any plans for lunch, but I didnt want to accept their offer and it was the first thing I could think of.

"Aren't you leaving to have lunch with your boyfriend?" The guy beside me said in a very jealous tone.

I frowned. Why was he jealous? And why had he been listening to my conversation? I mean, sure the girls had been standing directly in front of me and it wasn't like they were quiet, so I guess, he hadn't actually been eavesdropping. He would hear us whether he wanted to or not.

Still, I said, "It's rude to listen to others conversation, you know. "

"I'm right beside you and I'm not deaf." He retorted.

"Oh, now you're not deaf. " I said sarcastically.

"Sebastian, do you want to have lunch with me?" A girl said, smiling like she just won the lottery or something. We both turned our attention to her, surprised by her appearance.

"I'm not hungry." He said with no emotion.

Sebastian. So that was his name. Staring at him, I thought that the name didn't quite suit him. He looked like a David or Christian.

"You will love what they have on the menu." She tried to coax him. She was desperate as hell and wasn't even trying to hide it. Sebastian, however, simply dropped his head back on the table and proceeded to ignore her like she wasnt standing right there.

Ouch. This guy was such an ass. I felt really bad for her.

"Maybe next time." she said quietly and walked away.

When she was out of earshot, I said, "I'm guessing this is not the first time she's asking you out, right?"

"If you asked me out to lunch, I would accept in a heartbeat." He replied in a soft voice, when I wasn't really expecting him to. I was shocked by both his words and the fact that he actually replied to me.

I mean, I didn't even know him, and my first impression of him wasnt even that nice. Why would I ask him to have lunch with me? And why would he even accept?

"Why would I ever ask you that?" I asked "curiously. "You never actually say anything, so what do you mean, if it was me?"

I really wanted to hear what he had to say, but when I waited and he didn't say anything, I wasn't surprised. "It's fine. You don't have to say anything."

Then I got up and left.