School finally came to and end and if I was being completely honest, I didn't want to go home to meet my mom. It would be so awkward because of what happened this morning.

I'd only asked a question. Why did she have to make it seem like it was such a big deal? Why did she have to make it weird for the both of us?

The weather had changed and it was suddenly so cold and clowdy, contrary to the bright, warm weather this morning. It was definitely about to rain hard. 

"Are you waiting for Mister to come get you?" Sebatian asked me. I was taken aback. How did he know the name of my driver? How did he know that his name was Mister. 

"How do you know who Mister is?" I narrowed my eyes on him. 

Shock marred his face. He looked like a kid who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 

"Wellllll," He drawled. "You mentioned him the last time I asked to go home with you."