After I dropped Ariana off at her place, I reached mine in less than five minutes. Her driver had called me to pick her up because his car broke down. 

If I was being completely honest, I had been a bad boyfriend to her and it was all due to the fact that I was too busy with Tracy. I hated her, but she constantly threatened me that if I didn't do as she asked, she was going to tell the truth to Ariana. And I just couldn't let that happen. 

She must never know what happened between Tracy and I. I fucked up big time. I wouldn't have accepted Tracy's friendship if I had known that was her motive all along. 

Tracy had come of as a sweet, innocent girl. She had looked lonely, like she needed a friend and I, foolishly, had given friendship a shot with her. 

She became obsessed with me, saying that the only obstacle between me and her, was Ariana and that she was willing to do everything she could to get Ariana out of the picture.