"I am so sorry I wasn't there when you got hurt" Zachary says with a sad tone.

"You don't need to be sorry, I mean we aren't in the same class so obviously you couldn't be there" I say calmly.

Zachary and I both left the nurses office. I had a bandage wrapped around my hand.

"I guess I couldn't do anything" he says.

"You shouldn't worry, I can take care of myself" I sat with a smile.

"Zachary!" A voice yelled out, we both turned to see who it was.

It was tracy, I would say it has been a long time since have seen or heard of her, but I didn't even notice. She is too irrelevant for me to notice that he hasn't been around.

"I am so glad to finally see you" she says as soon as she got to us, she didn't even wait for Zachary to talk before she gave him a surprise hug.

"I am also glad to see you" Zachary stuttered, he ended the hug immediately. "I see they let you out of the hospital" he added.