The thought of being an older sister makes me excited and happy. Now I have to act older and more mature to be a big sister. Now that my mom is pregnant, I feel like their relationship will get stronger, I know this baby will bring happiness to our family.

"It is getting late already, Ariana you should go to bed so you won't be late for school tomorrow" my mom says.

"I don't really feel sleepy mom, I want to spend more time with you guys. When the baby comes, you guys are gonna give her all your attention" I say with a sulking tone.

"You know you will always be my number one" my dad says with a smile.

"We will never neglect you my love" my mom says.

"That doesn't change the fact that I am not sleepy yet" I say, my mom and dad both laughed. "But I have to go to bed now" I say with a smile.

"Have a goodnight rest dear"  my mom says,I will sleep tonight knowing that I will be a big sister soon. This is the best news I have gotten so far.