Chapter 175- Infiltration (Part 2)

The two stood silent for a good one minute without moving a muscle. They both had their own thoughts and fantasies going around in their minds.

Just the thought that Acht was here and could potentially be close to here made them shudder with happiness and also nervousness.

Leislet then walked to the bed in a daze and looked at it for a moment. Then, she extended her hand and ran it over the mattress, sensing it.

Then, her hand went to the pillow as she picked it up and looked at it. Her mind and senses were telling her to get it close to her face. However, she barely resisted that strong urge.

She can't just do something like that in front of Scarlett. It was simply too embarrassing.

However, she didn't put the pillow back as she looked back at Scarlett.

"Can I ask you one question?"

Scarlett was woken up from her trance by Leislet's voice and looked at her with a confused look.

"Do you have any idea why Acht did that?" Leislet asked.