Chapter 176- Infiltration (Part 3)

The chains moved ominously around the bartender as if he was some kind of 10-armed monster crawling out from hell.

Leislet and Scarlett looked at each other for a moment before nodding their head and dashing toward the enemy from two different sides.

The man didn't do much except move his arm forward. Instantly, the chains flew faster than bullets. In a matter of half a second, the whole room was covered by a cover of chains, these monstrous weapons were glowing from time to time to send a shiver down the spine of any enemy.

Then, like rain, the chains fell down on both Leislet and Scarlett. The two didn't wait much and pulled out their weapons.

Scarlett with her sword and Leislet with her wand.

Both of them then started evading the chains while clashing with some of them at the same time.


The sound of hard objects clashing against each other filled the whole room.

The chains kept surrounding the duo as it tried to hit them from a blind spot.