Chapter 177- Hope And Anger

Scarlett kept crying silently like that while Leislet merely watched her, not knowing what to do or say to her to make her feel better.

Even though she considered her as her rival in love, that by no means makes her not feel pity for Scarlett. In fact, deeply in her heart, she liked Scarlett's straightforward personality and her seriousness when she needed to do something.

It was one rare trait to find people like her in this world and especially in this era where lies were the new truth.

So, with a slightly complicated expression, Leislet sat down.

She then looked at the window where she could clearly see the full moon illuminating the whole city like a small sun.

"You know…" she began.

"Why do you think this city is always in an eternal nighttime?" She asked.

Hearing the question, Scarlett lifted her head up and wiped her tears before looking at Leislet with a weird expression.

"Is this some kind of existential question?"