Chapter 192- Clones' Rampage (Part 1)

Meanwhile, Leislet reached the elevator and quickly left the place. For some reason, no one followed her or tried to stop her while she was running back to the exit which was pretty weird and frankly made her even more wary and suspicious.

But, nevertheless, she left the ship and immediately jumped out of the elevator mid-air without waiting for it to reach the ground.

Her face was contorted with a growing frown and her anger was on the brim of making her go nuts. She had never been this pissed before in her life.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I ruined it. Dammit! This was within the realm of expectations but it's still so frustrating. I was powerless. Now, we have to fight back even though we would most probably lose.' She thought to herself with clenched teeth.

Then, after landing down, a swarm of news reporters, hunters, and army soldiers came running toward her.

Then, they surrounded her and started asking all kinds of questions. However, the most frequent question they asked is.