Chapter 193- Clones' Rampage (Part 2)

Acht had to take several deep breaths to calm down his heart which was beating at an unbelievably fast rate. He could feel his soul force depleting to a low degree instantly of the huge usage that he did not so long ago.

Stretching Ooze to the size of a whole city was something that the Acht from a week ago wouldn't be able to pull off. It was the effect of absorbing multiple SSS-Rank soul stones and leveling up.

He was able to advance 4 levels quickly and reach the threshold of the second phase of his core which was the orange soul.

This made him basically evolve to a whole different level of strength that he himself couldn't even imagine reaching in such a short period of time.

Then, after calming down considerably, he eyed the area around him. The sight alone made him freeze for a moment.

What was before a lively district of the city turned into a desolate area that lacked any resemblance to what it was a few minutes ago.