Chapter 194- Clones' Rampage (Part 3)

The sight of hundreds of clones flying down like meteors made Acht's blood freeze for a moment before it started pumping throughout his body at an incredibly fast speed. Adrenaline also rushed all the way to his brain and enhanced his already sharp senses.

For a split second, Acht felt the time stop and all of his surroundings halted from moving. The only thing he could feel in this silence was his erratic breathing.

Then, as if he was moving by instinct, his body immediately launched up into the air, reaching 50 meters in less than a second.


A moment later, the ground beneath Acht blew up like a balloon. The attack that came from a hundred or so incredibly strong individuals was just way beyond what this world could bear.

Acht looked down with widened eyes at the sight. The place he was standing along with an area of almost 100 kilometers radius was erased from existence.