Chapter 229- Mia's Disappearance (Part 1)

After spending the rest of the time sitting on the edge of the river, drying themselves up and also cleaning their clothes, they stood up and went back to the village.

"How should we use these photos? I was thinking of putting them in one room. An art museum of a sort." Scarlett suggested out of nowhere.

Leislet thought about it and then shook her head in refusal. She seemed to have a better idea of these pictures.

"Let's just put them in the living room. As for the group photo, I want to turn it into a small necklace with a pendant. Of course, I will have to cut you out of the pic." 

"What did you say?!" Scarlett glared at Leislet.

"What? Did you think I will carry your pic with me for the rest of my life? I might as well die right here and now rather than do that." Leislet clicked her tongue.

"I can send you to the grave if you desire death that much!" Scarlett was about to pull her sword and cut Leislet to pieces.