Chapter 230- Mia's Disappearance (Part 2)

'Fuck.' Acht cursed as he put Sali down gently and unleashed him from the silk that was covering his body. That was when he saw what was wrong with him and why he was not breathing.

There were two big holes in his stomach the size of a fist. The two holes were purple in color exuding a weird miasma in the air.

He immediately knew that the snake bit him, deeply too.

'He ain't going to live for long. I need to extract the poison from him now.' He thought as he put his hand on his stomach, making sure to not touch the injury.

He knew how sensitive that part was and that any small touch could make him feel excruciating pain.

Then, he used gravity to start extracting poison from the hole. The process was very hard because unfortunately, the poison spread to his whole body. Acht needed to work on every cell of his body to disintegrate the poison and then get it out.

However, as he was working, a loud screech reached his ear and made his face turn extremely serious.