
Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be sensed. It's a fundamental concept studied in the field of developmental psychology, and it is why the game of peekaboo actually works on babies.

My object permanence's awakening was different, I could see and commune with things normal people couldn't. I could see dead people. I could see people through walls. Growing up I couldn't tell the difference between dead people and real people. At first my parents thought I was cursed but then they saw the value of having a daughter with X-ray vision essentially. They would use me to steal and for monetary gain. The government caught wind of my existence and bought me from my parents. Thats when the tests began.

The scientists would hook me up to machines and through electric shock try to increase the range of my ability. They would go farther and farther and play peekaboo with me. It went from another room in the building to eventually the other side of the planet and even the moon once. That was a joint effort with Nasa. They found that electrocution was effective to stimulate growth because of electrons, nerves and neurons or something. I don't know, I'm not a scientist. They found it effective, I found it painful. Eventually my range went interstellar, and I could commune with alien life. I kick started the final frontier for humanity. The great age of space exploration and tides with alien life.

10 Years later and I'm now an ambassador for the United Earth government. Of course, it's not of my own volition. It's my duty to make sure conferences between planets and earth go smoothly. My ability made me capable of understanding any language I didn't know. It's not that I can't learn them myself it's just I can understand anything I truly cannot perceive even if it's not there, like my knowledge of the language. Yeah, my ability is a bit confusing but hey that's what all the torture- I mean training was for. To understand it. Anywho todays another boring peace conference and once again the government left me to do all the talking. This time around we're having one with a race of aliens known as the Ishurians. They actually resemble one of earth's mythological beings known as Ashuras. Four armed being with extremely angry faces. I wonder if they inspired its creation... probably not. As I walked through the halls of the international space station I'm surrounded by a familiar sight. Windows filled with starry highlights. The vast beauty of space is truly something to behold and it's probably my favorite part of my job. The ability to travel through that vastness and discover more beauty must be wonderful. As I'm staring out the window I'm tapped on the shoulder. I turn around to see this hulking behemoth of a woman. She had four arms, red skin and melons the size of- I was slapped in the face before I could even finish the thought.


I immediately start rubbing my cheek and apologizing.

"How the heck did you know what I was thinking anyway."

She moves her bangs on her forehead and points to what appears to be a third eye.

"When Ishurians turn 16 their third eye opens, and they can read minds."

"Hey you called me a pervert but invading my mind without my permission is pretty naughty in itself."

She had such a flabbergasted look and she was kind of blushing, it was adorable. Adorable is a rare sight for me. After about 2 minutes of awkward silence she walked away. After that I gave her some leeway to make a gap between us then began to proceed to the conference.


Space diving never fails to be frightening. One wrong move and into the void you go. I have to be precise. I have to be perfect. I leap out of my space craft and land on the outside of the earth's international space station. I use my trust blaster to carve and opening and I enter the space station. My infiltration was flawless just like the old man taught me. My entrance was perfect too bad I wasn't going for a stealthy one. Guards greeted me as soon as I entered.


One guard shouted. I immediately leaped into the air, using the altered gravity caused by the opening I created I floated then ran across the ceiling. I threw a couple of smoke bombs and then 1,2,3. I snapped each of the disoriented guards' necks in quite literally breakneck speed. I looked at the guard's outfits to see if any of them could fit me. Sadly, they couldn't. This would have helped me conserve energy but sadly I had to do the meat head option. I took my boots off that restricted my speed and blitzed towards the conference. As I entered the room, I clicked my teeth. I was up against one of my kind, a Victorian. He seemed be trained in combat too. This would be quite trouble some.

Main Character's Perspective-

As I was sitting at earth's section of the conference hall an alarm goes off. There must be an intruder abord the station. Moments after the alarm goes off a blur of gold enters the room. As my eyes adjusted, I saw that it was a girl. She had golden hair and golden glowing eyes. She resembled captain Vion. A drafted alien Mercenary for the United Earth's Military. She was armed to the teeth with blades and 2 giant blasters on her back. She must be the intruder. The captain immediately blitzed towards her, and combat ensued. I'm the only person in the room that can keep up with their combat speed due to my ability, but to regular people they must be blurs and sonic booms. Their battle was intense but sadly its conclusion was as swift as their movement. She would slice at him at a normal speed giving him a false sense of security but quickly sped up for a jab while his guard was down. This must be an effective technique against her kind due to their over confidence in their speed. Thats just my thoughts on it anyway I don't know, I'm not a fighter. As she finishes off the captain she speeds towards me. There's nothing I could really do. She's too fast to outrun and too strong to combat against. I accepted my faith. I spread my arms out as if I were ready for an embracing hug, ready to accept her blade. Instead she knocked me out with a punch.

I woke up hours later in a spaceship tied up. As I groaned and moaned she approached me.

"My name is Viola Vector and you're gonna help me find my dad, or the very least talk to his ghost."

End of chapter/Prologue.