Electric Boogaloo

I was disoriented as hell when I woke up, so I was barely able to grasp what she said. The most I got was her name. My powers however filled in the rest, so I got the gist of it.

"You want me to find your dad?"

"Yes, He's 5'10 and-."

"Shut up!"

Her expression changed to anger. Angering my kidnapper may be a terrible move but it's for the best.

"W-wait let me explain."

"The less I know the more effective my abilities are so don't tell me anything about your dad."

She nodded her head in agreement. I began to use my powers. It isn't exactly a spectacle like in anime. It's quite literally just me staring blankly searching the cosmos for information that I shouldn't be able to obtain or don't already own.

A quick explanation on my powers would be like this. Let's say someone brought a cake to me and didn't tell me about its flavor beforehand. I would be able to use my powers to know its flavor with 100 percent accuracy. Now let's say they told me the flavor was vanilla beforehand and I tried to use my powers on it. Nothing would happen. I would have to just assume its vanilla. So basically, as I said before the less I know the better. You know the saying ignorance is bliss. Anywho it took me a while but I finally found his location. He was in a rocky location and he was behind laser prison bars. It was located roughly 2,540,543 light years away. Thats a month's journey in a standard issue space craft and is roughly located in the galaxy closest to our own. I informed Viola of my discovery. She seemed to know exactly what planet he was located at.

"Well now that I know what I need to know I can return you to your planet's government."


I didn't want to go back there. That suffocating life style. I wanted something new, something fulfilling. In all honesty, this was probably my best bet to get that.

"I can still be of use to you and I don't really wanna go back."

She looked at me confused.

"Why wouldn't you want to go back?"

"You get a fancy suit, a place to live and a safe income, sounds like the life to me."

Yeah, on paper being a government official sounds great but that's when it's your own free will and you actually want to do it. I couldn't stand my lifestyle. I wanted to be free and have fun like the guys Ms. Aki would show me on her TV. It's been a while since I've thought about Ms. Aki... she was the only person that was nice to me in the facility and is probably the only reason I didn't lose my mind from the pain. This must be a sign then.

"Look, I'm useful and I can actually react to your speed so I can probably hold my own in a fight right?"

"You bring up good points uhh.. What's your name?"

"It's Veronica."

"Well Veronica you can join me on my journey but don't blame me if you get hurt or die on the way there."

I nodded my head in excitement. Finally, I can explore the vastness and see the beauty of the unknown up close. This was truly the start of my adventure. I mean I guess it is, I don't know I'm not an adventurer. Viola immediately sets coordinates, and we began our journey.

A month is a pretty longtime to be on a ship with someone so me and viola would get to know each other. I told her about the plot of various anime Ms. Aki showed me as if they were tales of real people on earth. Her eyes lit up each time, she seemed to really enjoy them. Maybe I'll actually show her an episode or two. She in turn would tell me of stories about her exploits throughout the galaxy. She basically wants to be the perfect warrior. What that entails I have no clue and Viola herself doesn't know either. The only person that knows the answer to this is her dad. That's probably why she wanted to find him that badly. She simply wanted his acknowledgement. A child pursuing the acknowledgement of their parent seems normal. I don't know I'm not exactly anyone's kid.

We didn't really have to make any stops due to Viola already having supplies aboard. Our only worry would be power for the ship. Viola said she already knew what planet she wanted to get power from, and I didn't bother using my powers to find out where. 10 days left for our journey and our power was running a bit low but Viola wasn't worried. We were 20 minutes from our recharge point. 20 minutes must mean the planet is in window distance. I looked out the window only to see a planet surrounded by thunder clouds and electricity spewing everywhere. My body immediately went limp. I began to breathe heavily and I was sweating profusely.

Viola looked at me concerned.

"Hey what's wrong Veronica?"

"I-it's nothing, I'm-m just a bit scared of electricity."

"A bit is an understatement, you look terrified."

"I'll be fine."

Viola grabs my hands and reassured me that I was going to be fine. For some reason that worked. I felt a little better. She then goes back to piloting the ship manually. As we entered the planet's atmosphere we stopped moving. Viola got out of the pilot chair and headed to supply closet of the ship. She began putting on a suit.

"So you're going out in this death trap you call a planet's atmosphere!?"


"Look Veronica, all I need you to do is look out the front window and press the tether button to pull me back in when I give you the thumbs up."

I nodded and she exited the ship. I sat in the pilot seat waiting for her signal. As I looked out the window I could no longer pay attention to Viola. All I could see was the electric death before me and around me. Everything went black and it was as if back in the facility.

"Now SAY IT!"

"Peekaboo I see you!"

"I still can't see him!"

"Up the voltage!."

"Now SAY IT!"

"Peekaboo I see you!"

"I still can't see him!"

"Up the voltage!."

"Now SAY IT!"

"Peekaboo I see you!"

"I still can't see him!"

"Up the voltage!."

This process was done over and over and over and over again. I hated it, I hated existing, I hated the scientists, I hated my parents and most of all I hated myself for being born and granted these abilities. All I wanted was it to stop. When my range finally increased the doctors would send me back to my quarters. As I laid in my bed defeated Ms. Aki would be there to lift my spirits. She would show me shows about heroes that never gave up and pushed passed their limits. I didn't really like those. One show that resonated with me was one about a pirate kid exploring the world. He wasn't shackled down by an oppressive government or abused constantly. He laughed when he wanted to, played when he wanted to, ate when he wanted to, he was truly free unlike me. As I finished an episode of that show I would look up to Ms. Aki and she was smiling.

I instantly snap back into reality to the sound of my name. I focus on Viola and she was just smiling and staring at me. She turns on the radio in her suit and calmly says

"Veronica, it's okay we're going to get out of here safely just press the button."

I slowly press the button with tears in my eyes. Viola boards the ships and approaches me. I try to make excuses, I fumble my words but she didn't get mad. She just kept approaching me. She then pats me on my head and says,

"It's okay, you were perfect."

End of chapter 2