Love is a bitch and ny Ex is a piece of shit

Mira left the hotel restaurant with tears in her eyes as she reached the lobby, she collided with a tall person and fell to the ground. 

Song Jingren came from his morning run when he collided with a feminine figure as he looked down, he saw a tear-stained Mira. He extended his hand to her and she hesitantly took it. 

"You have a fight with your boyfriend again?" Song Jingren asked. 

"Big bro, I'm so pathetic, right?" Mira smiled through her tear-stained face, making his heart ache for some reason. 

"No, you aren't, little sister, " Song Jingren said. "It's love that makes us pathetic."

"How are you feeling now?" Song Jingren asked as he handed her a hot cup of coffee. 

"Bitter, " Mia smiled bitterly. "Big bro, how is your wife?"

"She is good, " Song Jingren smiled. "We went on a date last night."

"That's great, " Mira smiled at him. "When can I meet her?"

"Whenever you wish, " Song Jingren shrugged.