The Secretive Seventh Peak (1)

As the Golden Crow rose and the sea of fire circulated, the countless sinister faces on the ghost umbrella let out sharp cries. They wanted to suppress it but it was useless.

The Golden Crow instantly rushed in.

The sharp cries of the malicious ghost turned into mournful screams. The entire ghost umbrella was burned rapidly. All the bizarre faces inside scrambled to escape, but they couldn't do so.

In the blink of an eye, they were all burned by the Golden Crow. At the same time, the large number of bizarre entity phantoms transformed from Sima Ru's body also seemed to be about to dissipate under the eruption of the Golden Crow's sea of fire.

However, Sima Ru's combat strength was extraordinary. Although her heart was filled with shock, she still rushed toward Xu Qing. She passed through the sea of fire and transformed into countless faces that fiercely pounced upon Xu Qing's entire body.

Cold wind blew, wanting to extinguish his life fires.