The Secretive Seventh Peak (2)

A look of surprise appeared in Sima Ru's eyes. Without any hesitation, she detonated her fourth form.

This was the self-destruction of four and a half life fire combat strength. The powerful and loud explosion sent a violent impact in all directions.

With the help of the self-destruction of the fourth form, a black arm bone rushed out of the collapsed fourth form and headed straight for the outside of the Homicide Department!

This arm bone was the core of Sima Ru's clone. At that moment, she already deeply understood how terrifying Xu Qing was. She didn't want to continue fighting and wanted to escape immediately.

The timing she chose was indeed good. The astonishing power of the self-destruction could stop all the pursuit but she had misjudged Xu Qing's strength.

At the next instant, Xu Qing's figure rushed out from the fluctuations of the explosion and got close to the bone in the blink of an eye.