Sherry In Trouble

Sophia handed her a flask with a cloudy liquid and another with a green goo. "Put it on your paws, but then you're afraid to pull them into your mouth. When it's put into a wound, this thing causes unreal pain, like putting lava under your skin. Try to get it in her eyes."

Before Sophia could add anything, there was a hissing sound behind her. Merry was the first to react, throwing the fox back to one side and jumping to the other. The snake's face hit the bookshelf between them.

Without saying a word, the girls jumped up and ran wildly in different directions. Merry managed to take the bottles from Sophie, quickly slipped one into her pocket, and poured the contents of the second onto her hand. 

The liquid accidentally touched a small scratch on her wrist, and a sharp pain instantly ran through her whole body. The girl screamed and stumbled to the ground.