
Sherry sat still for a few seconds, her head bowed like a sinner. Her eyes closed instantly, and her hands trembled slightly. Merry held her arm tightly, growing increasingly concerned about her.

"Everything...everything is slipping from my hands, Merry. My world is falling apart before my eyes, and all I do is sit still, Looking at the creature like a powerless person... I... I feel so fucking helpless. 

The regret that has been tormenting me for the past ten years is now too severe... why did I have to live the night of the accident? Why didn't the wolf kill me?" Her thick voice was a little hoarse as if she was about to hold back tears.

"Sherry, stuck in the past trauma would cause you no good, maybe a divine miracle protected your life that night... Maybe you were left alive for a definite reason decided by your destiny..."