How Do You Know?

"Is the dish upto your liking, my lady?" asked the maid as she saw Renata eating happily. There was a contented smile on her face that she did not notice herself.

Renata did not want to accept but this was her first time in her two lives that she was having such a delicious meal.

"That is awesome, pretty sister. Do you mind having some?" she asked so that she could offer some to Penny too whose stomach was growling like a hungry wolf.

"No! How can I have some? This is already too little for you. Growing up kids should eat more!" The girl smiled brightly as she placed more food on Renata's plate that was already filled to the brim.

"......." even she has a limit of exaggeration. Did the woman think she was a pig to feed her so much?

But she would forgive since the food was tasty. She was going to deal with her later. First she needed to fill her belly and so that foolish girl who was standing there and smiling like a fool.

"But I do not like eating alone. If my pretty sister did not want to eat, would Penny eat with me?" she blinked her long lashes and pouted while staring at Penny.

Now that she was clean and well dressed in bright clothes, she was looking no less than a rare and luxurious doll. Her each expression was heart warming that Penny found hard to resist.

And just when Renata noticed that her charm was working, she pulled Penny with her.

"Alright! But only this time." Penny nodded as she could not say no to Renata and more than that she was feeling too hungry.

She looked at the maid with a bit of embarrassment but Lucy only passed her an encouraging smile and filled her plate too.

Renata smiled as she started eating. Who knew when she was going to have such a sumptuous meal again.

She wolfed down all until her thin stomach turned into the shape of a round ball and then rubbed her stomach with a contented look on her face.

She smiled brightly as if she had won the world when both of them felt blinded by her brightness.

"Princess are you done?" asked the maid in a hesitating voice that instantly put her into an alert mode.

She knew that tone very well. It was the start of bad news. She should have known. Good things did not come free of cost. Yet she nodded with that same smile on her face as she did not want them to know that she had brains.

"Good! Then shall we go for a walk in the park!" huh! Just this? Then what was with that dramatic tone?

She frowned as she felt that it could not be this simple.

"But Renata wanted to rest. She did not want to go out." she pouted while her eyes pierced every action of Lucy to see change in her expressions.

"But princess, it is good to get some warmth and the flowers are too lovely outside. And who knows you might meet his majesty there.

You know he takes a walk in the garden at this time too." so that was it!

Renata suddenly remembered that pigs are fed well before getting slaughtered. Was she one now?

But now that her father had called her, she knew that she could not refuse since she was living in his house and eating food of his money.

So, she should act like she loves him a lot!

"Really! Did papa say that he wanted to meet Renata?" she smiled joyfully when the maid took a breath of relief.

She was worried that Renata did ott want to meet his majesty since he looked a bit scary and had neglected her. But good that she still pine for his love.

Maybe because he was her only kin. No! If that was the matter then she would try her best that they both would come closer.

With a new mission on her mind, her eyes filled with fire as she nodded.

"Yes, he wanted to see you as he was too worried about you. Then shall we go now?" could she even say no! Renata scoffed in her heart as she nodded her head and landed on the floor.

"The chair is still large for you. We should order some furniture of your size." Penny noted in her mind as she stared at the chair and bed.

So you are still here. Huh? I have fed you well and took your side too yet you are not stopping me from meeting that monster.

Renata cursed in her heart as they started to walk in the garden. Renata knew that her father often stayed in the garden though she never understood why? Her father was too cold to have affinity with flowers and he always had that cold and frozen face that killed the brightness of the sun.

Then why? Well, who cares.

She continued to walk as she enjoyed the sun. She only wanted to look at the bright side of her life now that she had a second chance.

"Oh! The pit!" Renata took a step away making sure her clothes did not get dirty. The pit was hidden in the grass and she had fallen into it in the past.

Glad that she remembered it!

"Princess! Are you okay?" asked Penny as she took her into her arms with a worried look in her eyes when Lucy came forward and stared deep into her eyes.

"Princess, how did you know about the pit? As far as i know even all the staff did not know about it. I was not even aware that there is a pit here?"