Not At All

"I noticed it when I threw a stone into it while walking."

"A stone?" Lucy stared at the pit with confusion. How could there be a stone in the royal garden? But looking at her face, it did not look like she was lying.

``I will ask the servants to check the area again but you should play with stones.

They can be dangerous for you, princess."

"...." they were talking about small stones or strong rocks that could trample her.

But Renata was glad that she had escaped the tricky question.

"Shall we leave then?" Lucy nodded and they started walking again.

The garden was grand and full of rare flowers. It has a small fountain in the middle of the pathway.

And a small lake full of lotus flowers in the left corner.

The place would have been no less than a fairytale if not for the presence of that demon that was looking like a sore thumb in the picturesque scene.

Why was he laying on the ground? Did he not have sufficient space to sleep in his room or place?

She hurled a few profanities at him as she walked closer. No matter how many times she looked at him, he always found him hard to bear.

His face was filled with Tranquility, did he not feel any kind of remorse for killing her and his family?

She stared at him when she noticed that he had a frown on his face. Was he having a nightmare or was it.. She stood in front of him and noticed that his face started to relax.

"I think your majesty did not like the warmth of the son!" Why would he? He is a demon that loves darkness.

But would she be part of giving him solace? No! She would make sure that he would suffer and burn in the hellfire.

Even if it was this small, she wanted him to see in pain.

She took a few steps away and the rays of sun still felt on his face again.

If only she could take her revenge from him. But she was too weak. It would already be great if she would be able to survive the calamities.

The frown on his came back again but the feeling she was waiting for did not come.

'Yes, suffer more so that I can finally gain the peace I am desiring for!' she whispered as she stared at his cold face.

He was so handsome. Now that she looked at him from so close, his face did not have any blemish or sign of aging.

Who would believe that he drank the blood of his lover and his family.

As if feeling the gaze of everyone, the man stirred and opened his eyes. His eyes were so cold that she trembled and hid behind Penny instinctively.

She felt embarrassed when she realized that she was still behaving like a kid! Was she not strong enough to face him?

"Your majesty. The princess wanted to meet you. She wanted to thank you for the new room." Lucy, who felt that his eyes turned colder and that even the sky was turning dark, tried to dissipate his anger.

She held Renata by her shoulders as she brought her in front of Leo who continued to stare at them without saying a word.

Renata bowed her head when she felt his gaze. She was not ready for it. She did not want him to praise her. What if he said something sweeter and she started to forego the anger she had for him.

Then how would she survive? Without a goal, she would…

"She is still ugly!"

"......" her eyes widened as she raised her head and glared at the man.

"You're right, I look just like you, papa!" 'If I am ugly, then you are ugly too. Look at my face. Don't you see yourself in it?

She passed a smug smile when he did not reply to her. Ha! Did you think that you could insult me? I am not the one to give up.

Leo stood up as he continued to stare at her intensely when the bright smile on her face continued to falter and the fear crawled in.

He was the man who had tried to kill her. What if I get angry and kill her sooner this time. Her heart beat increased and she bit her lips as fear started to crawl in.

"Take her back. The wind is cold" his cold voice fell in her ears bringing her back to reality. She was still so weak that she shivered just by his one look. How pathetic!

Leo stood up and walked away. Just as he had taken a few steps away, he whispered,

"You are wrong, you have nothing like me!" as his eyes fell on the growing cherry blossoms on the tree where she was sleeping.

Just when he was staring at it, a small flower fell on the girl who raised her head and smiled brightly when his eyes narrowed on the scene.

"Not at all." he added as his hands clenched into a tight fist and he left the area with a heavy heart.

Renata felt better now that she was alone. She felt like she could breathe normally.

"Princess, we should go back. The wind is cold." repeated the words as it is when Renata was looking at the tree.

She did not know why but she felt a deep affinity to it as if it was calling her. Such a foolish idea! She shook her head but did not leave from there.

"It is still early. Can we not spend some time here? The tree is looking beautiful…. and warm to touch." the eyes of the maid widened with a surprising penny when tears could be seen in them. Penny wanted to ask but Lucy came forward and held Renata's shoulders and encouraged her to go closer,

"Alright, princess, why don't you hug the tree. You will feel better."