Do Not Have Patience

"I hope you will help me in passing my greetings.

Shall I show you the way to my step mother's room?"

Everyone in the room knew that Olivia was thrown out of her palace. Her father had discarded her presence even in her social events after she decided to marry a mere worker of Leo.

Everyone believed that she was so crazy for Leo that she had married Arden just so she could get closer to Leo.

Knowing the fact, Leo had dismissed his most loyal aide from his work since he did not want to deal with her crazy self.

Now she was trying to get closer to his daughter. Just how low she could go! Many snickered when he mentioned her father.

What a pity! They thought that she would go berserk and act violence but she just smiled and nodded her head without a comment when the smile on her face widened but the disdain on his face could be seen from afar.

He was mocking her with that soft smile on her face. Renata could feel there was something wrong with his wordings but she could not point it out.

She followed the man while repeating the words in her mind but did not understand what he said to make the woman's face pale. Though Olivia hid it well, she felt her body getting rigid since she was holding her hands.

Soon they climbed stairs and reached a lavish room. The door was engraved with a lot of rare gems when he knocked on the door.

"Mother, there are few guests who wanted to meet you." he said with a knock on the door but no reply came.

He waited for a few seconds before knocking again but once again only silence mocked his attempt.

He looked at Olivia and Reanta with an apologetic look as if he was the one who was embarrassed.

"Mother, open the door please. It is the princess who has come to meet you personally. This is not a time to throw a tantrum.`` This time his voice was louder but still the deafening silence had started to make him fidget in his place.

He repeated the same words with different convincing words each time but the door did not open and not a single reply came from the room.

If it had been any other noble, they would have felt humiliated with a huff and puff on their face but Renata continued to stand there silently.

Waiting for the door to open with a certain calmness that was bringing him to edge. He had thought that they would leave once they notice the arrogance of penny, but who would have thought that the girl was so stubborn,

She was a toddler who did not understand her insult, he deduced as he decided to explain it to her.

"My lady, my step mother would continue to insult you with her silence but I could not bear to be dragged into treason.

I hope you will understand and give up on the thought of meeting her." he requested with a helpless look on his face when Renata stared at the door and then at him as if she was contemplating his words.

Just when he thought that she would give up as Renata truend back, she whispered slowly,

"Since I am the one getting insulted by her silence, I would be the one dealing with her.

How could I go without punishing a woman who had dared to commit treason." then she turned to look ar Reynold who had followed her so far without a question and was still standing silently as if he was a statue,

"Open the door by force.'' Her one word was enough for getting a nod from all the knights and soon shoved the man standing on the way away.

Olivia held the hands of Renata again and took her aside as the knights pushed the door.

It only took them a few seconds as the door was forced opened,

Penny was sleeping on the bed with her eyes closed. Her face was looking ashen but there was not a single sign of injury that could prove that she was hurt.

Renata checked twice but there was no proof of her being tormented except her red and swollen cheeks but they were so minor that it could be due to so many reasons.

Her make up was perfect and she was wearing colorful dresses instead of mourning clothes.

"I am a bit ashamed to see that she is having a feast while we all did not have the wish to eat a single grain.'' Only then did Renata turn and notice a lot of empty plates that were still on the table and a bottle of wine on the ground.

"She must have drunk a lot and therefore she is sleeping so well.

I am sure she would not wake up after drinking so much. Princess it would be a waste to wait for her.

Why don't you rest in the other room or leave for the palace, i will escort her personally to the palace once she would wake up later." he offered in a soft and considerate voice since she was just a toddler it must have been tiring for her to walk here and there and look for Penny for so long.

Even if she was closer to Penny, she would not wait for a drunk woman to wake up. Would she!

"Hmm, but I am not a patient person to begin with. When I have a way to wake her up now, why shall I burden you to bring her since you are so busy with the death of your father."