Fighting Like Kids

"She did not have time for you!" Aiden spoke out of anger but the moment words left his mouth, he regretted it.

For now, the man had stopped walking and was staring at him with such cold eyes and leaking murderous aura that even a strong man like Aiden felt it was hard to breath.

"I mean she must be having her lessons. You should let her study. Why don't you go to the north castle like always. Or did you forget about it?" he asked with hardly a breath.

He concentrated hard when he felt he was having trouble. Leo let the pressure go.

"Cough cough! Cough! You really are too much!?" Aiden complained as he loosened the collar of his shirt.

He felt too suffocated just now. Once he was able to breathe better, he glared at Leo before leaving from there.

Leo instead of still following to her palace, changed his plan and returned to his office and locked the room.