He Was Embarrassed

Elric stared at the young boy who was double of his age with glaring eyes.

He did not like seeing Ren with other men. If she wanted kids of her age as playmates, she could have had more girls like Alice or she could have asked him.

He was waiting for her all this time while she was busy making new friends.

His gaze was like a beast that was ready for hunting while Sam looked like a puppy who was getting cornered.

His face filled with worry instantly and he lowered his gaze while sitting with a pitiful look on his face in the corner. 

No matter how much Ren told herself that he was not the Elric of the past, when he behaved like that and showed his displeasure, she could not help but feel his body overlapping from the one she remembered.

The cold look of now and his adult self looked so similar that she looked away.

"What brought you here, my lord?" with the honorifics she drew the line when the man flinched.