
At 7:05, the airplane touched down in the city of Missouri. Elma was feeling belligerent among other things. The fact that Riccardo had left her to journey alone was not in and of itself a terrible thing. There should not have been any major issues if he had just talked things over with her before escaping on his own. Elma could make excuses for his previous behaviors in all the time they spent on the Island, but this. She could not explain away his arrogant behavior this time. For that, she was prepared to face him and demand answers even if it backfired in that she ended up losing her job.

'Who would want to work for a sadist like him anyway?' Elma sighed and began contemplating running off. Come to think of it, she was starting to feel homesick. How far away was Kansas from Missouri? She could rest her eyes during the ride.

"Hey, I thought you were only supposed to watch me this far?" Elma turned to the man behind her back and asked.