Hard decision

Elma had climbed out of bed,as she hadn't gotten a hold of herself,she still felt like going back to sleep as she leaned by the window,she could hear people talking outside and laughing outside,it sounded so melodious in her ears,she could hear dog barking from a distance,car horns it was a busy night ,she was lost in the moment,she then moved toward her wardrobe and grabbed her robe and wrapped it around herself gently as she packed her hair up and tied it in a messy bun,she makes her way down the stairs and totters off th the kitchen.she then grabs a jar of condensed milk and two glasses,puts them in a tray.as she was about heading to meet Riccardo at his study these thoughts could not persist to leave her head,she kept pondering on how the past days has been very exhausting,she had one hell of a week,it was as if the drama would never end.