Ch 12 - Porche

[6 Months After Arrival]

It's been another 2 months that I've spent on Lily Island working my butt off and I can confidently say that I am the strongest person on this island… which isn't really a high bar since my only competition was the village chief and some middle-aged men with beer bellies but… Yeah you get the gist…I'm the strongest!

Okay anyways, in these 6 months I have learned a lot and accomplished a lot.

I now know more about the world and how it works. I also learned some basic skills that most people know in this world, which is basic navigation, learning how to man a boat, fishing, and mostly anything to do with the sea.

The main reason everyone knows how to do these things, even if they are simple civilians, is because like 99% of the world are islands and almost everything in daily life involves the sea in some way.

I also learned some simple but unique things like some common effects of commonly found flowers in the West Blue, as well as how to grow them if I wanted to.

Overall, these last 6 months have been the hardest in my whole life but also the greatest, now I am preparing to leave this tiny island behind and adventure into the larger world.

I was currently in my shack packing up all of my possessions, which isn't much, just some clothes, a compass, a map of the West Blue and a few books that I own.

And just as I was about to open the door, I hear a *Knock Knock* coming from it.

I quickly open it and come face to face with a beautiful woman with a slim figure, an awesome pair of tits, shiny blue hair, and a slightly elongated nose which does not even come close to ruining her beauty.

All of her beautiful features are also emphasized by her somewhat revealing red jumpsuit which shows just the right amount of skin in order to be considered provocative.

This is someone that I have been interacting with and gotten very close to in the last 6 months, the now dead Foxies most loyal subordinate and my now traveling companion, Porche.

Once she sees me, she quickly smiles and rushes to give me a tight hug while saying, "oh Cade-kun, are you ready to depart?"

That's right, my name is now Cade, I actually got it from some of the villagers that were comparing me to a ghost due to my sudden arrival at the island, with no ships in site or anything to prove that I actually arrived here; and going with the simple idea I decided to just name myself Cade. (It means Ghost in Welsh)

I quickly wrap my own arms around her and reply with a smile, "of course Porche-chan, I'm tired of seeing so many flowers all day after all."

When she hears this Porche makes a mock angry expression and replies," Cade-kun what do you mean you're tired of seeing flowers all day! DO you not want me to come along with you?!"

At this I laugh because Porche is someone that is playfully bratty most of the time with me but is actually quite serious in most other situations.

I don't really know if that was how her canon self was like, but due to losing her boss right in front of her she became a lot colder towards most things in this life. I guess the term people would use to describe her is a cold beauty, even though she isn't that cold.

Anyways, once we finished packing up, we quickly arrived at the town port and what greeted us were a large number of people, who were all smiling and giving us goodbyes and such.

The main reason that we are getting a sendoff is because during our stay here Porche and I became the main fighting force in defending this small village from pirate raids or fights and therefore less resources were used in order to fend off any aggressors which subsequently improved the economy a bit; and yes I said us, during our time together Porche also became motivated to get stronger and therefore when she saw me running around the village and working hard in my pursuit of power she decided to join me.

She was initially very weak, relying on her baton and a few easy to see through tricks, like smoke screens, in order to defend herself, but over the course of these months she has become a lot stronger.

In certain things she even worked harder than I did like her flexibility as well as mastering the paper arts from the Rokushiki, and yes, she somehow mastered Kami-e, which is actually a very impressive feat, since it usually takes people years in order to master 1 of the 6 Rokushiki.

I myself have not mastered even 1 of the Rokushiki, but I can use a somewhat underpowered Shigan, I can for instance poke a hole through people, but I can't fire off air bullets just yet, and with Shave I have not even been able to use it yet, I am getting closer at 6 stomps per eye-blink but I still have a bit to go in order to even become a novice at using it.

Anyways her main weapons are her trusty baton, smoke and poison pellets that she keeps on her person, and finally rose looking shuriken, she also told me that she wants some kunai to be made, and for her baton to be upgraded in order to have a hidden blade inside.

So yeah, she is apparently leaning quite heavily on kunoichi vibes for some reason, I didn't really ask why since I think it's badass.

Anyways once we got onto our medium sized ship, which we confiscated from some pirates that were stupid enough to cause trouble, we heard a familiar voice speaking from behind us.

"Young'uns It sure was nice to meet you, Porche-chan make sure to take care of that buffoon who kept on overexerting himself too much, and you buffoon-boy make sure you don't cause trouble for Porche-chan."

As I hear this I quickly turn around and smile, it was the old man who gave me a beating the first time we fought and treated me very well even though it was obvious that I wasn't some sort of bounty hunter like I initially claimed.

I reply, "and you, old man, make sure that the village stays safe, and if you're having trouble keeping up in your old age make sure to pass it on to someone strong, I'll be visiting again in a few years to see how everyone's doing, see ya."

Porche then says, "Chief-Sama I'll make sure that Cade-kun doesn't do anything over his head, take care"

With those final goodbyes we raise the anchor, lower the sail, and look towards the horizon for our new adventure.