With those final goodbyes we raise the anchor, lower the sail, and look towards the horizon for our new adventure.
It's been about a week since we have been out at sea and so far, it's been a calming and relaxing experience.
I can see why people like the ocean so much.
It's been a great experience just sitting on the deck and looking out at the rolling waves and all of the unique organisms that can be seen through the clear waters.
It's been great, but it hasn't all been sunshine and rainbows either, when people say that this is the great era of pirates, they really mean it.
I mean on the second day that we were out at sea we encountered 3 different pirate groups, all weaklings of course, but still… this is ridiculous.
I shudder at the thought of the New World or Paradise, those seas must be teeming with pirates if the West Blue is anything to go by, and that's not even counting every other hardship that can be found on those seas like the weather phenomenon and such.
Anyways we have crossed and visited a few small islands throughout this week, mostly uninhabited, in order to collect food and take small breaks on our journey towards our first major destination in this sea, Ballywood Kingdom.
Ballywood Island is located in the center of West Blue and is therefore one of the biggest and most important islands for this sea.
I've heard that it has almost anything one would need in the world, yet specializes in something that I've been sorely missing, entertainment; and I mean like movies and plays and music and things like that.
When you come from the 21st century where almost every day of your life is spent taking in these things you come to love these things.
Therefore, when I arrived here and all I had to entertain myself were some poorly written books and the newspaper, which as you all may realize…isn't all that fun to read! I was ecstatic when I heard the news about an island that specializes in what I sorely missed.
With this glorious opportunity to visit an island that specializes in entertainment I'm going to take a hold of it and not let go.
I know that I should actually be looking for avenues in order to increase my strength as much as possible before canon starts, but I'm currently so tired of only training all day that I need a small break in order to get back into the swing of things.
It's also not like I stopped completely training, it's the opposite actually, with the help of Porche I have actually been able to refine some of my abilities, like which patterns are best for quick takedowns, or which patterns are best for flexible opponents.
I have even been able to improve my Shave from 6 steps per eye blink to 8 steps per eye blink with the advice of Porche - who is extremely lithe – which has really helped me out.
Also, recently Porche has also begun practicing the shave technique and she is currently at 5/10 steps, mainly because of her lack of physical strength.
With this amount of progress, I feel content for the moment and in the near future I am also planning on looking for something very special that can only be found in the West Blue and can increase my lethality by quite a bit, the Hasshoken.
Yes, I plan on traveling to Kano Country by the end of the year in order to steal a manual on how to perform the Hasshoken and quickly escape into Paradise in order to avoid major retaliation from the Happo navy afterwards.
This will make me a permanent enemy of theirs, but I don't care, if an idea that I recently cooked up on how to use my slow-slow powers with the Hasshoken really works out, then the upside of this transgression is really much greater than any downsides that come along with it.
And even if it doesn't work out the way I want it to, the Hasshoken is still a formidable power on its own, which will increase my strength tremendously either way.
Overall, the sea has been treating us kindly so far, but If I do what I plan on doing then this is quickly going to change for the worse, and two people in a team is just not going to cut it. (Mc is not a pirate as of yet)
So, therefore I plan on quickly increasing our numbers by at least 1 more very soon, and luckily, it's not only another beautiful lady, but one that I could sorely use the help of for my future plans.