
It is the greatest barrier he could ever have after kissing Louise. Avoiding her could mean an illogical pattern of what their relationship can become. Randall couldn't seem to get near her again, as long as they don't have any work to do, they'll remain casual to each other.

But Randall isn't all in on being casual. He wanted the next step of it.

Though Louise got occupied with the kiss Randall planted on her lips, he's feeling guilty.

Randall wanted to point at himself for being fast, for letting them drift apart similar to how fast a wind torrent can be, and how Louise aimed to get away from him like he's a dark hole, waiting to succumb her.

This isn't going to be good no matter how hard Randall tried to pursue her.

"For now? What about the other days when you need to inspect our mansion?" Randall pointed out. Louise sighed, nodding, as if it's not a big deal anymore. His presence must annoy her too much. Even so, she couldn't stand in the same room as him.