
Randall rode the car with a heavy heart. He flicked with the pen in his thumb, rotating it simultaneously, and quiet in between the conversations. Randall couldn't seem to fathom what Louise meant with her statement earlier.

He leaned his chin at the back of his hand, stared out the window, watching the cars passed by.

When Leo sensed something is wrong with his second-in-command, he raised a fist, signaling them to stop laughing. Leo fleeted his gaze to Randall, who was breathing deeply, and his forehead furrowed to the point of forming wrinkles.

Vincent slowly closed his jaw, tapped on Etienne to tighten up his lips, and cleared his throat. Jon Cho fleeted his gaze to Randall's anxious face.

Leo skeptically tapped the side rails of his seat, and Randall perked up with that slight deviation of silence. He turned to their boss, and to the rest of the Cassanos gawking at him. Randall dropped his jaw, wondering if he had caught on.