Ep.20 meeting with the lotus guild master pt2

After checking on Jess who finished getting dressed John knocked on the bathroom door and said

"Jess I'll be visiting the lotus guild for a few hours so call me back if anything happens okay?" Jess from behind the door said

"okay but don't you try to flirt with that Mary women"

Before John could ask Jess what she meant his phone rang and it was listed as chairmen John then answered the phone and said "hello Mr.chairmen how can I help you?"

The chairmen said "I've received a call from the pyro guild master and she says that the building reconstruction is nearly done and if you have time today I have a few items that I will need your help to identify as we can't figure it out"

John wondering what the said item was told the chairmen

"I have a meeting with the lotus guild and they also asked to appraise a few items for them so after I'm don't with the meeting I can make my way to the hunters alliance headquarters" the chairmen then immediately said

"May I know the time of the meeting so that I'll know if anything happen?"

John then said "I have the meeting at 2pm so I'll call when I'm done to give you a heads up now I need to get ready"

Chairmen said with a smile "have a good day John" before hanging up to look at his couch with a person wearing a skull mask with a reaper symbol on his black suit and said

"what can I do for the reaper guild?" While the masked man tossed the chairmen a photo of John and said with a low voice

"Riley scotch sent me for information about this man" the chairmen then asked with a cold voice

"I might be old but I'm not weak so I'll ask once." As he was saying this the chairmen was slowly turning into a werewolf

"Why does a big shot like Riley scotch want to know about John Stewart?" After a few moments the masked man pulled out a letter with a waxed orb on a pedestal symbol on it and handed it to the chairmen before disappearing the chairmen recognized the symbol and thought 'that's the prophecy guilds symbol' before opening it and reading the content's of the letter.

While the chairmen was reading more and more his eyes widened before falling into his chair and thinking 'seems that johns life is about to change'

Meanwhile John was heading down a street gaining a few stares as he was wearing his fox mask,reached the lotus guild as John was about to enter he felt a tug on his jacket to then look down and saw a little girl and asked "hello little girl where are your parents?" The little girl said

"Hi mister do you have any candy?"

John felt something was wrong so he used his appraisal to see the girls true identity

[scarlet formen]

[age] 32

[level] 48







-A rank disguise

-B rank invisibility

-D rank danger sense

John after seeing scarlet disguise herself chuckled and said

"Drop the act you can't hide behind that disguise anymore so let's go see the guild leader" before entering the building

Scarlet still in the form of the little girl looked at John behind the glass door and thought

'How did that man know!?' Before turning black and changing into her usual self then followed John to the elevator to the guild masters office as John was about to knock on the door scarlet kicked it open and yelled

"Hey old hag I've brought your guest here" before heading to a side table to grab some candy

Mary with a frustrated voice said to scarlet

"I guess he didn't fall for your tricks as your not disguised as someone else"

Scarlet then asked John who was behind a fox mask

"How did you figure it out not even the guild master could?" Before sitting down and opening a can of pop

John after sitting down said "I have my ways" before turning to Mary saying in a sarcastic tone

"Seems like the kids are getting too many sugar rushes" as scarlet was about to yell Mary quickly said "does she pass?" While scarlet was angry at John she then was confused and asked Mary

"Pass what?"

John then said "a test for a gift and you have passed it so before I give it to you I'll need your word that this stays secret between the three of us"

Mary then said before scarlet responded

"If you don't tell anyone I'll buy you sweets"

Scarlet being a lover for sweets immediately said with a happy voice

"You mean it?! If so I won't tell anyone!" Before John stood out his hand and said

"If you break your words I'll break your bones do you understand?"

Scarlet not even hearing John happily said while shaking johns hand

"Yes yes yes! I promise!"

Then both John and scarlet glowed while Mary was watching and thinking 'always doing anything for sweets'

While use got a familiar notification saying

(You have used [ability growth] on [scarlet formen] gaining 20 levels)

Meanwhile scarlets expression went from happy to confused as she received a notification saying (someone unknown has taken 20 levels but in return has upgraded B rank [invisibility] to A rank [invisibility mist])

Then scarlet heard John say again

"If you tell anyone then I will break your bones one by one and don't think that the guild master will help" scarlet the turned with a pale look to Mary to see her nod and say "he's right that if you tell anyone I won't be able to stop him so let's keep this a secret shall we" before seeing scarlet almost crying out of fear shake her heard very fast