Ep21 appraising items and learning about the rifts

After upgrading scarlets [invisibility] and seeing hear leave John with his mask on asked Mary

"Now since that's taken care of shall we go to have me appraise the items you talked about earlier"

Mary then stood up and said with a happy voice

"Yes I'll show you there and don't worry about the payment I'll send 80 thousand dollars when you've appraised the items which is more then normal but also as a gesture of saying thank you" before walking out the door to the elevator

While they were in the elevator Mary asked John

"So can I ask you something?"

John turned to Mary and said


Mary asked with a curious look

"Are you and Jess in a relationship?"

John said

"well we've been together helping each other since both our parents died when the rifts first appeared so we're pretty close"

After John replied to Mary's question, Mary had stars in her eyes and quickly said "so your not dating?"

John then after noticing what she was tryna do said with a cold voice

"No we're not and before you ask your not my type sorry" before hearing the elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal to the lobby Mary nearly crying while putting a pouting face on.

Mary then said with her back facing John

"follow me"

After a short walk the used another elevator to instead go up they went down

When the elevator stopped Mary and John left the elevator to said a dark hallway with only a few lights and a few doors with one marked storage room and one marked appraisal room

John and Mary entered the appraisal room to find some items on a table but before John went to inspect them Mary said "these are the few items that need to be appraised so just as your inspecting them just write the info down here"

Before handing John a tablet

John after getting the tablet and started to inspect the items before coming across a few interesting items

[crude dragon spear]


[durability] (305/305)

[attack power] 807-940


1300 strength

655 speed

300 Dexterity


A spear made of a dragon hatchlings bones making it hard to use and easy to break but can penetrate armour easier

[chieftain dwarfs hammer]


[durability] 210/210

[attack power] 86-94


300 strength

600 dexterity


A hammer used by a chieftain dwarf that has strived to make a dragon killer weapon.

[Skill book: forging strike]

[C rank]


300 strength

100 dexterity


A hammer strike typically used when dwarfs forge armour and weapons

[dragon crystal]




A refined dragon heart in the shape of a shard that when consumed can take the form of a dragon for a short time

(Duration) 2 minutes

After John listed the items with their stats requirements and descriptions he asked Mary

"What dungeon did you enter?"

While Mary was looking over the list she shahid to John "we went to a red rift in the forest"

John not being a combatant hunter asked with a confused look "red rift?"

Mary the after reading over the list look at John and said "oh right your not a combatant hunter meaning you don't know so I'll tell you."

Before pulling up on the tablet two rifts each with a different colour and said

"the rifts are coloured different depending on their difficulty blue being the easiest to green then red then purple then black which have only appeared once when the dragon slayers guild enters the black rift that appeared 4 years ago in Vegas" then while John was processing the info Mary said before pulling up a video of a rift changing from blue to green "there's also hidden dungeons that seem a different colour but change as a team enters and while it might be the 2rd weakest rift hidden dungeons tend to be much harder then a normal dungeon" John was about to ask a question got a phone call from an unknown number and answered it saying "hello?" Before hearing a familiar voice say

"This is the pyro guild master Diana calling as I've heard from the construction crew saying their done with the construction"

John feeling happy said "thank you for letting me know but just remember that I don't want you or your guild anywhere near there again" before hanging up before Diana responded