Ep.22 seeing the new home

John left for the hunters alliance headquarters when he finished inspecting the items from the lotus guild when his phone went off to see

/transaction +$80,000 from lotus guild/

John after seeing this smiled and thought 'I can use this to get more furniture and drinks for the house' then John opened a furniture store and ordered everything he'd need for the new house

Shortly afterwards John arrived at the hunters alliance headquarters and asked the lady at the desk "hello I'm here to see the chairmen"

The lady replied saying "I'm sorry but the chairmen isn't in his office but if you want I can write your name down and tell him when he comes back"

John said "just list my name as unknown thank you"

The lady with a confused look said "unknown? I'm sorry sir but I can't list that down as I doubt that's your real name"

Before John said anything he remembered the name of the 2rd identity that the chairmen came up for him and said

"Then write Walter gills, is that alright"

The lady after typing on her keyboard said

"Thank you I'll make sure that the chairmen knows you came by"

After leaving John went back to the hotel and went into the room John and Jess were staying in and said

"Jess you here?"

Jess after getting out of the bathroom said with a smile "I'm here so what's up"

John showed her the transaction and said "I used some of this for the furniture and the bar when we get back and I got a call saying that construction is done so I thought I'd come get you and we look together"

Jess then jumping up and down with a smile

"Yey hurry up and let's go! Oh by the way I grabbed this for you when the building was burning down"

Before handing John a slightly burned picture of a younger John with his mom and dad

John then hugged Jess and said

"Thank you"

While they were getting ready to leave John got a call from an unknown number and answered saying


Afterwards John heard Steve say "hey John this is Steve from the rising tide guild I'm just calling to see if your available today for some item appraisal's and if I may ask what's your level right now because we have some space for a rift my guild has in two days"

John after looking at Jess said while giving her a smile "I won't be able to visit today Or tomorrow as I have to set up my bar since the construction got finished and I'm level 121 and I don't have any experience with rifts besides the different colours indicating their difficulty"

Steve after hearing John said with a kinda upset voice "that's fine we can reschedule for the appraisal and if your still interested in the rift raid in two days call me and it will be a red rift incase your wondering goodbye" before hanging up

Jess said to John as he was getting ready

"That special thing you got sure is awesome huh"

John then hugged Jess and said "it is special but it's also dangerous too but let's not worry about that and go see our new home" before dragging Jess by the hand out of the hotel room

While Jess and John were walking to their finished home John pulled out his phone and called Anthonys number

After a few rings John heard Anthony say

"John how may I help you?"

John then said

"I'd just thought I'd call to let you know my bar will open soon when I get the things I need to re-open and anytime you want to chat or talk about the other gift you can drop on by"

Anthony while in a training room testing his upgraded skill said with a smile

"I'll be sure to visit once in awhile but as I have to attend the rifts I won't be able to come by often"

John said with a smile

"That's fine my door is always open but just know that the special thing will cost some money next time depending upon how big it is, just as a heads up"

Anthony said with confidence

"Moneys no issue for me and I still have some of my subordinates that are pressuring the guild you asked about so don't worry"

John said with a happy voice

"Thank you again for your help now I have to go and tell the other guilds about what we talked about goodbye" before hanging up and calling the rising tide guild and then the lotus guild

After telling the guild masters about the re-open and the upgrade opportunities John looked at Jess and said while stopping in front of a 3 story building which was labeled (peachy roses) as it was the original name of the bar and said with a smile "welcome home"