Ep.23 the chairman’s meeting with the prophecy guild master

While Jess and John were touring their new house

The chairmen as at the airport at the front entrance waiting by a black car

As the chairmen was waiting he received a phone call and answered saying "this is the chairmen speaking"

Then a women spoke saying "sir you had a visitor earlier by the name of Walter gills"

The chairmen then remembered that it was the second identity for John and asked

"Thank you for letting me know is that all?"

The women then said before hanging up

"Yes sir"

As the chairmen was putting his phone away he

Saw a person with a blank white mask with a smiley face walk up to him and say

"Greetings chairmen I am prophet jim of the prophecy guild" before extending his hand out

The chairmen then said with a smile

"Hello I'm chairmen Damian of the Canadian hunters alliance please follow me" before leading the masked man to the car an entering

The driver asked the chairmen "where would you like the go sir?" The chairmen said

"The hunters alliance headquarters please" before the driver nodded and peeled off on their way to the headquarters of the hunters alliance

While they were on their way there the masked man asked with a curiosity "may I ask something mr chairmen?"

The chairmen said "you may but depending on the question I won't answer till we're in my office"

The masked man then said "very well and my question is may I know why yours and the top 3 guilds guild masters in Canada have dropped from the leaderboards in a few rankings? Because it is unheard of to go backwards in the ranks"

The chairmen immediately said "I'll answer that question when we get to my office as well as when I have another person that ties into the question there but as I gave him my word I wouldn't answer unless he was their"

The masked man then look at the chairmen for a few moments then said "seems like something interesting happened but when we get to your office I'll use this tag to summon my guild master as he has ordered me to" before pulling out of his suit a small paper with some runes on it

The chairmen after seeing the tags thought

'Seems serious if the prophecy guild master wants to speak to me and is willing to use a teleport tag that's worth around 120million dollars'

After about an hour of driving the car came to a stop outside the hunters alliance headquarters while the chairmen got out of the car the masked man followed him into the building and as the chairmen went to the front desk to grab the visitor's log for guests wishing to speak to him the masked man heard someone mutter

"Another masked person? And with the chairmen no less? Are both of them connected?"

Then he heard another person say "lately theirs been rumours about a man with a fox mask that's in the top 500 hunters constantly visiting the top 3 guilds." As the masked man was about to go and ask the people talking to each other the chairmen said "this way please"

before heading to the elevator

Soon after reaching the chairmen's office the masked man said while pulling out the teleport tag

"May I summon my guild master now?"

A few moments of silence then the chairmen said

"You may" before sitting down in his chair

The mask man then nodded and placed the tag on the floor before backing up

After the tag was placed on the floor it lit up purple and black in a spiral motion before a man with one left purple eye and blue hair wearing a robe covering his whole body

The man then said with a calm voice

"greetings mr chairmen I am prophecy guild master jimmy rogue it's a pleasure meeting you"

Before extending his hand out

The chairmen then reached out and said before shaking jimmy's hand "chairmen Damian plover of the Canadian hunters alliance it's a pleasure please sit" after sitting down jimmy turned to Jim and asked "can you wait outside I wish to speak to the chairmen alone"

Jim then stood up and bowed slightly and said "very well guild master" before leaving

After Jim left the chairmen asked jimmy

"May I know why your here because for you to use a teleport tag it must be important"

After a few moments of silence jimmy said "I have been given a prophecy about John Stewart"

The chairmen than asked

"How do you know that it's about John Stewart"

Jimmy after hearing the chairmen's question said

"With my SS-rank [future sight] ability when I receive a vision I get flashes but never a face and recently I had a vision with one person overlooking a destroyed city and then it changed to a city brimming with joy and laughter and the person overlooking it was this man" before holding up a photo of John

The chairmen sat there with widened eyes and shakily said

"A-are y-you sure?"

Jimmy then said with a sad voice

"When I first received the vision of the Vegas black rift no one believed me before it was too late" then a memory was stuck inside jimmy's head

Where a younger version with both of his eyes was frantically yelling in the middle of Vegas "A rift is going to appear here everyone needs to run away from here!" As no one was paying attention to the younger jimmy a earthquake happened and in the middle of the street a rift that was red appeared while people were looking at it it grew and changed colours from red to purple then from purple to black then after a few moments of silence the portal broke open causing a rift outbreak and while lizards and snakes 3 times the size of a bear were pouring out the young jimmy was running suddenly fell over and as he was about to be eaten a few young hunters sliced the snake killing it then the hunter said to his teammates "get the people out of here I'll hold them back" before slowly changing into a 30ft tall dragon that was black and gold and charging into the monsters

After the memory faded jimmy said the the chairmen "I am never wrong with my ability so I have come here to request your help to meet him as we have reason to believe that the democratic alliance is on the move"

The chairmen then quickly said "I'll set up the meeting for when John re-opens his bar, only when he is present will I talk about him for such matters"