Ep.26 new employees and another reward

The next day after the grand re-opening and the meeting with the chairmen as John was getting ready Jess knocked on his door on the third floor and said "hey john you up yet? We have to prep the store soon" before john came out dressed and said

"I hired some people from those 3 guilds I talked about a few days ago to help with service and don't worry they will be coming here today before we open so you can meet them" as Jess was about to asked john they heard a knock on the front door and heard Steve say with Mary and Anthony behind him

"john? We're here with our friends as you said can you let us in?" John then opened the front door and said with a smile "please come in come in"

After everyone sat down at a table john said

"as you may know from your subordinates, I have hired them I will allow them to decide their shifts but in they have a rift raid with your guild they can skip a week"before looking at scarlet and saying

"If you lie about a rift to take a week off I'll take every candy you have" before seeing scarlet scream like a child in a store "I won't so you better not take my candy from me!"

John and the others started laughing when they heard scarlets reply then John said "bathrooms are on the second floor and the third floor and my office is off limits unless I say"

Jess then came around with some drinks and said with a smile "so you three are you new guys huh?well my name is Jess and here are some drinks"before giving them some drinks

John said "now as well all know of my backer and the gift he gave let's go over our rules 1. No one speaks about it unless myself or my other friend is present and guild masters if you would follow me my other friend is in my office ready to give another gift as a show of thanks for sending your subordinates to look out after me and my home basically" before standing up and saying to Jess "answer any questions they have and keep your eye on the trouble maker" before pointing to scarlet

And scarlet screaming like a kid again saying

"I won't do anything as long as you don't take my candy!!" Before grabbing a lollipop out of her pocket

While Jess was talking with the new employee's John was walking with the guild masters to his office

When they were alone John said "thank you all again for helping me and I want to repay you all, are you ready?" Before extending his hand and hearing Mary say "for a rising star and a nice kid like you it's nothing" Mary then shook johns hand and upgraded her S rank [lotus healing] to SS rank [healing lotus tree]

Then Steve said before extending his hand

"When you came to my gym I saw a younger version of phill and I couldn't ignore it just remember that if you need help tell phill to call me because no matter what I always answer his calls" before John used his [ability growth] and upgraded Steve's A rank [lions roar] to S rank [thunder lion roar]

Then Anthony said while extending his hand

"You have and will impacted the world so as someone who is apart of that story I will also do what I can to help"

John say another system message say

(Would you like to use [ability growth] on

[Anthony Mclands]Y/N)

John the click yes to receive 3 notifications saying

(You have used SSS rank [ability growth] and have gained 20 levels)

(You have used your [ability growth] and have upgraded someone's ability to SSS rank gaining a legendary reward)

(Host has received 1 legendary weapon)

Meanwhile Anthony got a system notification saying (someone unknown has taken 20 levels and in return has upgraded SS rank [demigods swordsmanship] to SSS rank [blade god's swordsmanship]) and Anthony after seeing his upgraded skill look at its description to be horrified by it

SSS-rank [blade god's swordsmanship]


Swordsmanship second only to the blade god as with this swordsmanship you can cut anything with any weapon

Anthony and the others quickly bowed a little and said "thank you!"before following John back down stairs to Jess and the others