Ep.25 grand re-opening and reward pt2

After scarlet rubbed her hand after getting hit she asked with a confused look

"You didn't even look at our resumes but your gonna hire us? you just met us."

John then said

"Your guild masters picked you three for a reason and I'll trust them"

but before Charles and Phil could speak John noticed two man wearing a hat and sunglasses with sweaters trying to hide themselves and out of curiosity John used [appraisal] on them to figure out who they are to find out that it was the chairmen and a new person John hasn't seen before and after looking at the man's status John quickly said to the trio "enjoy the drinks now I have to take another order remember to come in tomorrow with your guild masters at 10am before we open again"

before walking away from them

As soon as the chairmen sat down Jess came over and said to the two men "what can I get for you?" Before hearing John say "sorry Jess I'll have to take these customers too"

before Jess punches John lightly saying while pouting

"how many more are you gonna take I can't just do nothing!" Before stomping away

After Jess walked away John said to Damian with a smile "welcome sir what can I get for you? And is this the person you were talking about earlier?" Before remembering his status board before coming over

[jimmy rouge]

[age] 38

[level] 566


[strength] 600

[speed] 800

[magic] 12,595

[dexterity] 405


-SS rank [future sight]

-B rank [thunder storm]

The chairmen said after hearing John

"Yes this is him and before we continue on can we talk somewhere more private" before John noticed a few customers looking at them and said to Jess "will you be fine for about an hour?"

Jess while preparing drinks said "yea I'll be fine so go do what you have to" then John said the the the chairmen and jimmy "follow me" before leading them up some stairs onto the second floor which had a office for John and two bathrooms

After entering johns office jimmy and the chairmen took off their hats and John asked "chairmen Damian I want to know why you have brought THE guild leader of the prophecy guild here and why he came here in the first place?" After a few moments of silence the chairmen said "because when you visited the lotus guild I had a visit from someone from the reaper guild hand me a letter from the person next to me" before pointing to jimmy

Jimmy then said "I'm sorry mister Stewart but I fear something will occur involving you wether you want to or not" before talking about the prophecy and the vision

After explaining everything to John jimmy then said

"When I asked the chairmen for more details about you before meeting you he said he wouldn't talk about it unless you were there but now that I have met you I feel like your appraisal ability isn't your only one, otherwise the chairmen wouldn't have been so discreet about you and since the top 3 guild masters in Canada and the chairmen levels dropped I can guess you are the centre of it"

John then looked to the chairmen and asked "should I?" Before the chairmen said to him

"People will find out sooner or later but if you show him it you can bargain for an alliance with him but it's up to you"

After a few moments of silence John said to jimmy

"If I show you my ability I will need two things from you." Jimmy the said out of curiosity "and what would that be?" Before John replied saying

"1.your word that you will keep this to yourself meaning that you can't tell your allies or friends or family and 2. That I will need 20 levels from you." Jimmy the said "very well I agree to the terms"

John the said before extending his arm out

"I'll explain the ability after I use it are you ready?"

Jimmy the shook johns hand and said "I am" while Johns system said (would you like to use [ability growth] on [jimmy rogue]Y/N)

John then said yes and the usual notification popped out saying (you have used SSS-rank [ability growth] gaining 20 levels)

while he also received a unique message

(You have used your [ability growth] and have upgraded someone's ability to SSS rank gaining a legendary reward)

(Host has received 1 demonic dragon egg [legendary] congratulations)

Meanwhile jimmy had his one eye widened from a notification saying

(Someone unknown has taken 20 levels but in return has upgraded your SS rank [future sight] to SSS rank [Oracles prophecies])

after a few moments of silence John then said to jimmy

"As you can see my second ability is called [ability growth], it enables me to upgrade someone's abilities for 20 levels" the chairmen said to jimmy "me and the top 3 guild master know about this and have come to an agreement to help john while selecting applicants for this enormous gift"

Jimmy the said to John "After seeing this new ability I can see how the rankings have changed for you mr.chairmen I give my word I'll keep the secret but since I'm in the level leaderboard and I dropped some ranks most people with have their eye out for you but I'll do what I can"

John then said before standing up "thank you but if you ever choose someone to receive the gift you must pay a fee upfront if I allow them to get it" before writing a number down and sliding it to jimmy and saying "if not for the gesture of goodwill I would've charged you that much"

The chairmen and jimmy thought while looking at John 'he's not a angel but the devil instead' before seeing a number of 128 million dollars