Ep.34 meeting the dragon slayers pt1

As john was starting to fight Sebastian in his weakened state

The chairmen and the dragon slayers we're waiting outside the rift while they were waiting in silence

The chairmen said

"Mr.scotch what would you think the odds are of Johns survival?" Before turning to Riley scotch who didn't move nor look away from the rift since he arrived

Riley while still looking at the rift said with a cold voice

"I'm surprised that the rift raid didn't end yet but I doubt this man will be able to beat it alone as the one in Vegas took 1 week before the monsters stopped."

The chairmen then turned to the rift and said

"I hope he makes history but may I know how you knew where the rift would be? I assume from Jimmy rouge? I guess the gift he got was well worth it"

Riley after hearing the chairmen asked in a curious voice "gift? What gift? And do you know why he dropped 20 levels in the leaderboards?"

The chairmen was about to say something when the rift started to turn from black to white symbolizing that the rift was cleared

The chairmen and Riley both used their transformation skills and the others got in battle stances while looking at the rift and after a few minutes of waiting a figure walked out and as jenny was about to yell signalling the attack the chairmen yelled out


Some after everyone but Riley looked at the chairmen in confusion before the chairmen said after seeing Johns face and the rift disappear

"That's the first expedition team! The rift was cleared!"

Jenny was the fist to speak saying with a confused look

"That's the first group? But I only see one person?"

The chairmen ignoring Jenny's questions said

"I am 100% sure that's my friend who has entered the rift and now has cleared it alone!

Meanwhile John as soon as he came out of the rift saw a black and gold 40ft dragon alongside hundreds of hunters preparing attack skills before thinking

'Did I enter another rift?'

After seeing the chairmen he quickly shouted getting everyone's attention saying


Afterwards the entire area was silent before the chairmen after canceling his transformation said to John

"Umm John that's not a monster but Riley scotch the number 1 on the leaderboard"

John then laughed and said in a joking matter

"And I thought you have no humour mr chairmen seems I was wrong"

Before using [appraisal] on the dragon to turn pale

[Riley scotch]

[age] 36

[level] 841




[Magic] 11,440



-SSS Rank [dragon king transformation]

-SS Rank [dragon priest summon]

John after seeing this nearly fell over at the 40ft dragon was shrinking into the size of a man whispered to the chairmen

"what's going on!? I have had enough surprises today alright?! First I get put into a black rift then I face a demon lord beside an angel and killed a Cerberus that could've melt me down into a toy!?"

The chairmen confused on what John just said replied by saying

"Shortly after you entered the dungeon I received word that it grew to a black rift and shortly after I arrived mr scotch did too incase of a rift break" before John could ask the chairmen a question Riley came up and said

"You must be John Stewart it's impressive that you cleared the rift by yourself. May we talk for a bit at the chairman's office because I would love to know what happened in the rift" John then nervously nodded and said

"I'm not busy so I can go but can it only be you and the chairmen at the meeting as I want to keep my secrets private."

Riley then nodded and said

"That's fine" before turning to Jenny and saying

"The rift has been cleared book a plane back to the US I will stay for awhile"

Jenny who was still looking at John eagerly wanting to ask some questions turned to Riley and said

"May I stay with you as I would like to ask that man some questions?"

Riley then turned around to John and asked

"Is it alright for my vice guild master to join us?"

John after hearing this said

"If you give your word that this meeting will be kept secret"

Riley then smiled and said

"Jenny and I are like brother and sister so I can grantee that it will" before transforming into his dragon form and said

"I'll fly us there so it can be quicker"

Before opening up his hand signalling to get on

But everyone but John stepped on and looked at him and as the chairmen was about to ask John a question

John smiled and said

"I have my own ride. [summon soul companion] Draco!"

Then as soon as Draco appeared

The chairmen and Riley both said with a surprised look

""You have a soul pet?""

John then said with a smile

"Meet Draco, without him I wouldn't have cleared the rift"

After John said that Draco who was staring at the others roared loudly then lowered its head for John to climb on

John then got on Draco's neck and said to the others

"Shall we?"

Before Draco started flapping its 4 wings easily taking off the ground and started flying towards the hunters alliance headquarters