Ep.35 meeting the dragon slayers pt2

After leaving the rift Gabriel found himself on a small island beach and saw a tall man on the beach with white hair and beard wearing sunglasses and holding a beer and kneeled before saying

"I have done what was needed my lord, the human is safe and has found the swords"

Soon afterwards the man on the chair holding the beer said with a joyful voice

"You did well Gabriel. Does the human know yet?" Before taking a sip of the beer in his hand

Gabriel who was still on one knee said

"I was only able to tell him about the game before I returned"

Then after a few moments of silence the man said

"Good, once that human is able to wield the swords he will have the power to help us so for now watch over the human as I fear the other gods will notice soon"

Gabriel then stood up and said

"Very well my lord" before disappearing

After Gabriel left the man looked at the ocean and said

"Someone has finally been chosen by the swords how interesting" before disappearing with a white lightning strike

Meanwhile John who was riding on Draco's neck was thinking

'If this so called game is as important as the universe and both a demon lord and a angel from mythology then I'll need to confront it head on'

After about a 20 minute flight on Draco and said while pointing in front of the door to the hunters alliance to Draco

"Land there and don't roar"

After hearing John, Draco then slowly landed on the ground causing some cars the rumble from the gusts of wind

Once Draco landed hunters poured out of the building with weapons drawn and yelled

"Everyone get clear! Hunters prep you skills I'll handle immobilizing the beast"

But before they attacked John quickly called Draco back

Then after Draco disappeared every hunter started to surround John while pointing their weapons at him

John the said with both arms in the air

"I'm John Stewart a non-combatant hunter please lower you weapons. The chairmen is will be here any second."

While some were muttering to the person next two them, a woman wearing some battle armour with a flame symbol on it yelled

"It's true lower your weapons I, Diana Scott, guild leader of the pyro guild claim it to be true"

A young hunter while pointing his weapon at John yelled

"It could be a trick to lower our guards"

Before Diana could speak a loud thud was heard behind them and when everyone turned they saw Riley scotch in his dragon form with Jenny and the chairmen on his back

The chairmen then jumped down and yelled after seeing John surrounded by hunters

"Halt! That man is my guest let him pass"

Soon after all the hunters bowed slightly to John and said

""We're sorry""

John said as he walked passed some hunters patting one on the shoulder

"Don't feel bad I would've done the same thing"

Then after John and the others entered to building and reached the elevator

While in the elevator the chairmen asked John who didn't have a mask on

"John why didn't you cover your face? I thought you wanted to protect yourself?"

Before John turned to him and said

"I will not hide against the coming conflict and confront it head on"

While Riley and Jenny were looking at John the elevator stopped at the chairman's floor and the four then entered the chairman's office

After sitting down John said to Riley and Jenny sitting across from him

"I assume you know about the gift that was given to Jimmy rouge that caused the small level drop?"

Riley was the first to speak saying

"Yes and when I asked how or what happened he only told me to seek out the chairmen and ask him and I've known Jimmy since the Vegas black rift and he's never ever kept anything from me so I must ask what happened to him"

After some silence John said

"I gave him the gift but before I offer the same gift to Jenny here I must tell you that I will require three things"

Jenny spoke and said

"You gave him a gift for his levels? That's not a gift it's stealing! You are a scammer! Trying to steal from us! I'll kill you right now!"

But before Jenny could pull out her hammers that were on her waste

Riley said while putting his hands out to stop Jenny

"I want to hear this. So what are the requirements?"

After some silence John said

"1. An alliance between your guild and the new one I'm going to start. 2. You word that this remains secret and lastly I require 20 levels from the target and if after the gift doesn't meet your expectations I will let you kill me without resistance"

The chairmen then said nearly yelling

"John don't do this! I can't let this happen!" Before he received a death glare from John saying

"This is my choice and my decision"

before looking back at Riley who was holding Jenny back who had her hands on her hammers ready to fight

After look at Jenny then the chairmen Riley said

"Very well I agree to the terms but I must know before you give your so-called gift what it will do as Jenny here is like a sister to me"

John then said

"The gift takes 20 levels from the target which would be Jenny but in return would upgrade an ability by 1 rank"

Riley and Jenny were about to ask john something before the chairmen interrupted them saying

"It's true I had an A rank [regeneration] skill that could heal minor wounds but shortly after meeting john personally, he upgraded it to S rank [regeneration] where it could restore lost limbs and after setting up a meeting with the top 3 Canadian guild masters they received the gift to"

John then said

"While in the rift I discovered that this ability not only works of people but also on armour, weapons and maybe skill books" after John finished the whole room went silent before Riley said to Jenny

"Let him do it I wish to see it and if he lies you can kill him" before looking at John again who stood up and held out his hand to Jenny

Jenny the grabbed Johns hand and said in a cold voice

"I'll smash you to a pulp if your lying"

John then said before using [ability growth]

"Fully noted" before a system message came up

(Would you use [ability growth] on [Jenny Flaks]


John after clicking yes started glowing along with Jenny and as John got three notifications

(You have used [ability growth] gaining 20 levels)

(You have used [ability growth] and have upgraded a skill to SSS Rank gaining a reward)

(Host has received [unknown egg] [rank:unknown])

Jenny got a notification

(Someone unknown has taken 20 levels but in return has upgraded SS rank [walls of absolute power] to SSS rank [sanctuary of the god's]) Jenny then with a shocked look said to Riley

"It's real"

before turning to John and saying

"I'm sorry!"

John then said to Jenny

"You did what anyone would've done in your position now that you see that I am not lying about the gift and before we continue I have to do something and that's revealing my name on the leaderboards"

Before opening the system and registering his name on the leaderboards to reveal his name and level

Then turned to the chairmen and said

"I'll also want to be changed to a combatant hunter after I set up my own guild"

The chairmen then said

"Very well but what will your guild name be?"

John after hearing this said

"Arcane executioners"