
Seeing that her daughter had agreed, Madam Hu got into the carriage in satisfaction.

Hu Feng'er was thinking about how to tell her master when she got back. After thinking for a long time, she could not think of a good excuse. The cart arrived at the county office.

After entering, Hu Feng'er said to the two women following her, "You two go ahead! You don't have to follow me!" The two women bowed and turned to leave.

Hu Feng'er went to County Magistrate Zhu's study and called out sweetly at the door, "Master, are you busy? Feng'er will help you grind the ink, okay?"

County Magistrate Zhu nodded from inside the house. Hu Feng'er walked into the study happily. She picked up the inkstone and started grinding it. She looked at County Magistrate Zhu and said coquettishly, "Master, take a break! Why don't I give you a massage!"

Magistrate Zhu was probably in his thirties. He had a square face and looked dignified.