The Arrest

Hu San said confidently, "Then what are you afraid of? With the county magistrate's love for my sister, she will definitely succeed! Perhaps the magistrate representative is almost at our house!"

Madam Hu suddenly said, "That's right! My son is still the smartest! Butler Hu, wait for those officials to come and take them to the countryside."

"Yes, Madam." Butler Hu retreated to the front door. Before night fell, four bailiffs came. Butler Hu walked up and cupped his hands politely with a smile. "It's been hard on you, brothers. Madam has ordered a banquet to be prepared. When we capture those unruly people, we'll let Master accompany you to drink to your heart's content!"

The head of the magistrate's office cupped his hands and smiled. "I dare not trouble Old Master Hu. Lead the way. We'll capture those unruly people now." The group walked towards West Mountain Village aggressively.