Trivial Matters

Li Yu, Xiaoyu, and the others picked out the corn seeds. Ruyi walked into the courtyard with the drawings made by the two Zou brothers. "Madam, look. These are the drawings made by the Zou brothers. They are waiting in the front courtyard."

After Li Yu took it, she looked at it for a while but didn't understand it. She smiled at Ruyi and said, "I don't know much about this either. Let's ask the brothers!"

Ruyi nodded and followed Li Yu to the front hall. Li Yu saw Craftsman Zou and a thin man with a walking stick standing in front of the hall. The two of them hurriedly bowed when they saw Li Yu.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Come in and sit."

Craftsman Zou smiled cautiously and followed Li Yu into the hall. Craftsman Zou helped his brother sit down and bowed. "Madam, are you satisfied with the design?"

"There are some things I don't quite understand. Please explain them to me." Li Yu placed the drawing on the table and said to the brothers.