Phoenix Village

Seeing that Li Yu had returned with delicious snacks, the two children picked one up each and stuffed it into their mouths. Li Yu smiled and said to the two of them, "Slow down. Go find a stool and sit down to eat slowly."

After Xing Hua left with the two of them, Li Yu said to Ji Xiang, "I forgot that the Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant opposite is the Four Seas Bank's business. Do you think we should look for Manager Chu and tell him about the plan for our villa and ask if he has any intention of investing?"

When Ji Xiang heard this, she nodded and said, "Madam, the Four Seas Bank has teahouses and restaurants everywhere. I think they're probably relying on these two entities to gather information. If we invited them to invest in our villa, so we can get things started quickly."

"Alright, make a trip to seek out Manager Chu."