
After taking Xiaoyu's pulse, Mr. Wen said with a smile, "That's right. It's a happy pulse. Ruyi is going to be a father again. Her qi and blood are a little weak. Get the kitchen to stew some soup to drink."

"Is that true, Old Master?" Xiaoyu sat up happily, scaring Li Yu and Mr. Wen. Mr. Wen said happily, "This girl is already a mother, but she's still so scary." As he spoke, he deliberately bluffed. "Why don't you believe in the old man's medical skills?"

Xiaoyu looked happy. "I believe you. I just didn't believe I can still get pregnant." Mr. Wen put away the pulse pillow and smiled. "Alright, rest well for a few days and you'll be fine."

Li Yu was also happy for Xiaoyu. She smiled and instructed, "Sir said that you have to recuperate well for a few days."

When Li Yu went out, she saw Zhou Jia returning from outside. She smiled and asked him, "Why did you come back from there? Didn't you go to the government office?"