West City Corner

Zhou Jia smiled at Li Yu. "Alright, do as you see fit. Ah Wei and Ruyi will also know how to cultivate. Just instruct them and don't tire yourself out. After the farming is done, I want to go down and check flood prevention measures at the river channel."

"Alright." The two of them looked around and got into the carriage to return. Li Yu looked at Zhou Jia and said, "Xiao Xi, I'm thinking that when the farm is built, we'll choose some lonely old people or orphans to work on the farm. The children will learn a skill from the craftsmen. When they reach a certain age, we'll let them out to plan their lives. What do you think?"

Zhou Jia thought for a while and looked at Li Yu. "Yu'er, I know you pity these lonely people, but these people could have complicated backgrounds. If they cause trouble…"