Another Immortal Jump

Li Qing paused for a moment and said, "Sister, Brother-in-law, Li Fengqi is a narrow-minded person. He has an inferiority complex and is arrogant. Moreover, he's utilitarian. After becoming a High Scholar, he really thought that he was a genius under those people's flattery. He drank and dined with those country squires all day long. He didn't even enter Aunt's house and neglected Laidi. I heard that he even accepted the properties and items sent by the country squires. After hanging out with those country squires for a few days, he became much more tactful. He might realize that it's very difficult for him to improve by himself and turned around to go to Aunt's house to request marriage. Aunt turned cold to Laidi and agreed to him without hesitation. Laidi listened to everything he said and didn't heed Aunt's advice. She even resented Aunt. I think Aunt's concern is that we can't support Li Fengqi. Not only would it be thankless, but we might even be stabbed in the back."