Help You Coax Your Wife

Fan Mingfang, who was sitting in the car at the side, saw Li Qing holding Yangyang through the gap in the curtain. She muttered to herself, "He looks quite good. I wonder if he's as pedantic and old-fashioned as the others."

Li Qing felt that someone was looking at him and turned to look at Fan Mingfang's carriage. Fan Mingfang hurriedly retracted her head.

Li Qing looked around and did not find anyone. Yangyang hugged his neck and whispered in his ear, "Uncle, let me tell you a secret. Father and Mother want to coax Lord Fan's daughter to your house to be your wife. Sister Fan is very good-looking. Yangyang also likes her to be your wife."

Li Qing looked at Yangyang and could not help but laugh. He pressed his forehead and whispered with a smile, "My Yangyang is so smart. You can't say this in front of outsiders, understand?"