
Zhou Jia said to Fan Wenzheng, "Lord Fan, people can also get sick from eating mixed grains. It's a pity that their son left at such a young age, but they can't push the blame onto his daughter! It was too unreasonable of them to even spread such news. To put it bluntly, fortunately, your relative's daughter didn't marry over. She won't have a good life if she marries into such a family!"

When Fan Wenzheng heard Zhou Jia's words, he felt that these words had hit home. He bowed gratefully to Zhou Jia. "Lord Zhou, thank you!"

Zhou Jia cupped his hands and said, "Brother Fan, you're too polite. One should not be polite to such a family. Your relative should knock on their door and slap her. Let's see if she still dares to spout nonsense outside in the future."

"Yes, if she dares to spout nonsense again in the future, I'll go and…" Fan Wenzheng looked at Zhou Jia awkwardly, his face red and he didn't know what to do.