
After He Yuqing entered the house, he held the bronze mirror and looked at the scars on his face. He was so angry that his liver hurt. He thought of a way to win back Country Lord Ning's heart.

Even if they broke off their relationship, he had to think of a way to ask her to back him up.

Sitting there, he racked his brains but could not think of a way. He heard a servant report, "Master, a constable and a bailiff are here. They want you to report to the government office."

"What did you say?" He Yuqing sat up abruptly and pointed at the servant.

The servant said boldly and loudly, "A constable and a bailiff are here. They want you to go to the government office for questioning."

With a bang, the bronze mirror fell to the ground. He Yuqing was drenched in a cold sweat. What should he do? Those people must have ruined his plans. If he had known…