
Seeing Li Yu's sleepy eyes, Zhou Jia said gently, "Then let Little Jiu pay attention. If anything goes wrong, he can inform us. Yu'er, you're tired. Sleep first. I still have official matters to deal with."

Li Yu opened her eyes and looked at Zhou Jia. "It's so late. Is it something urgent?"

Zhou Jia frowned. "His Majesty originally wanted to use troops against Great Qi. Recently, he discovered that the Jing Country, which is adjacent to Liangzhou, is acting strangely again. The court is worried that Great Qi will join forces with the Jing Country. At that time, Great Yong will be attacked from both sides."

"Yu'er, the weather has been good for the past two years. The commoners have just caught their breath. Once a war breaks out, it will burn money. We have to prepare knives, spears, and bows in advance. The casualties have to be compensated with silver."